Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Will it ever end?

So, after my sleepless night, yesterday went steadily down hill!

I go to check the balance in my unemployment account and there is a big whopping $0 in there! What the Crap? I filed 3 weeks ago and have filed 2 claims and still nothing! So, me being the resourceful young woman that you all know that I am, I called the Unemployment office.

Now, those of you who know me, know that I do have a temper at times, and I have been known to yell quite often at people. If I am going to yell at you, then most of you know that I have an extremely loud voice and can throw profanities with the best sailor in the world, but I do have to be provoked. I guess the 1st woman I talked to was having the most horrible day of her life (already at 8:40am) because she was not happy with me.

After being on hold for 22 minutes this lady, who I couldn't understand her name, answered and asked how she could help me. I explained my situation, confirmed all the dates, forms I filled out and she said that no I would not get paid this week because I filed a claim that stated that I had worked on 1/10/10. Now this is where the woman loses it on me. After she made the statement about me working I simply said in the same tone I had been speaking in the entire conversation,"but I didn't earn any wages for that day."

Well she screamed at me and said,"Ma'am there is no reason for you to be yelling at me. I am stating the facts and it's not my fault you don't like them."

Now my husband was in the room for that entire exchange and he was shocked at my next response. I stayed calm and continued speaking in the same tone and simply said,"Ma'am I am in no way yelling at you and trust me if I were yelling at you, then you would be hearing quite a few profanities and would probably hang up on me." Kris busted out laughing and the lady then said,"ma'am I have done nothing to warrant you yelling at me like you are, I can't help it that you can't keep a job and now my tax dollars have to pay you, but if you yell at me again I will disconnect this call."

Well now I had lost all patience I had been holding on to, and I said,"you are clearly not the person that I need to talk to, I am not asking to be transferred to a supervisor, I just want to be transferred to someone who has a little more patience than you."

Guess what.....she hung up on me!

So I called back, actually got a different person to speak to and that person was able to get me my money by friday! I like her better. Before I got off the phone with her I politely asked her how I would go about getting a job working for her department because she had a woman working for her that does not like her job. She laughed and told me that I must have gotten the girl who's last day is today and she didn't really want to come to work but had to, so she could get her stuff off her desk.

Morale of the story is: Killing people with patience and kindness sometimes makes them more mad, so therefore it could be more fun for you in the end.


  1. I've had the same problem! I also said that I worked 1/10/10 and then had to fill out a few forms, spoke to a rep who said she'd take care of everything, and now my unemployment is stating "waiting week"! What the hell-o is that!? Maybe I should call too!
